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Главным событием молодежной программы FINOdays станет Хакатон

A A= A+ 04.10.2019


7–11 октября в рамках Форума инновационных финансовых технологий FINOPOLIS 2019 состоятся мероприятия Молодежной программы FINOdays.

Главным событием FINOdays станет Хакатон, в ходе которого 17 студенческих команд, прошедших предварительный отбор, будут состязаться в решении реальных бизнес-кейсов от лидеров финансового рынка. Участников ждут задачи на использование распределенных реестров, распознавание текста, управление денежной наличностью, управление банковскими продуктами на основе биометрии, рекомендательные системы, маркетплейсы и многое другое. В финале команды защитят свои решения перед жюри, в состав которого войдут представители ведущих банков и финансовых организаций. Три суперфиналиста Хакатона разделят между собой призовой фонд в 1 миллион рублей.

По традиции участники Молодежной программы встретятся с Председателем Банка России Эльвирой Набиуллиной и смогут задать вопросы о трендах в развитии финтеха, необходимых компетенциях для работы в финансовой отрасли и будущем технологий в финансовом секторе.

Среди мероприятий Молодежной программы FINOdays – мастер-классы и воркшопы от экспертов финтех-индустрии. Темы мастер-классов – презентация технологического продукта, современная инфраструктура идентификации личности, принципы Growth Hacking в финтехе, голосовые помощники, создание эффективного бизнес-плана.

Кроме того, участники FINOdays смогут посетить мероприятия деловой и спортивной программы FINOPOLIS, познакомиться с потенциальными работодателями и узнать о трендах в развитии финтеха.

За последними новостями можно следить в официальной группе FINOdays ВКонтакте

Организатор FINOdays – Банк России.

Официальный партнер Хакатона – QIWI.

Оператор FINOPOLIS 2019 – Фонд Росконгресс.


Фонд Росконгресс – социально ориентированный нефинансовый институт развития, крупнейший организатор международных, конгрессных, выставочных и общественных мероприятий.

Фонд Росконгресс учрежден в 2007 году с целью содействия развитию экономического потенциала, продвижения национальных интересов и укрепления имиджа России. Фонд всесторонне изучает, анализирует, формирует и освещает вопросы российской и глобальной экономической повестки. Обеспечивает администрирование и содействует продвижению бизнес-проектов и привлечению инвестиций, способствует развитию социального предпринимательства и благотворительных проектов.

Мероприятия Фонда собирают участников из 206 стран и территорий, более 15 тысяч представителей СМИ ежегодно работают на площадках Росконгресса. В аналитическую и экспертную работу вовлечены более 2500 экспертов в России и за рубежом, установлено взаимодействие с внешнеэкономическими партнерами из 94 стран мира.

Hackathon set to be main event of FINOdays youth programme 
From 7–11 October 2019, events for the FINOdays youth programme will be taking place as part of the Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies FINOPOLIS 2019. 
The main event of FINOdays will be the Hackathon, which will see the 17 pre-selected student teams go head to head to solve real business cases set by financial market leaders. Participants can expect tasks on the use of allocated inventories, text recognition, cash management, bank product management based on biometrics, recommendation systems, marketplaces, and much more. In the finale, the teams will defend their decisions before a panel made up of representatives from leading banks and financial organisations. The last three remaining finalists of the Hackathon will share a prize fund of one million roubles. 
As per tradition, participants in the young programme will get to meet the Governor of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina and will have the chance to ask questions on FinTech development trends, essential skills for employment in the financial sector and future technology in the financial sector. 
Among the events of the FINOdays youth programme will be master classes and workshops led by experts from the FinTech industry. The topics of the master classes will include a presentation of  technological product, contemporary personal ID infrastructure, the principles of Growth Hacking in FinTech, voice-activated digital assistants, and how to create an effective business plan. 
In addition, FINOdays participants will be able to attend events as part of the FINOPOLIS business and sporting programme, meet potential employers and find out about FinTech development trends. 
For the latest updates, you can join the official FINOdays group on VKontakte. 
FINOdays is organized by the Bank of Russia. 
QIWI is the official partner of the Hackathon.    
FINOPOLIS 2019 is operated by the Roscongress Foundation.
The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of international conventions, exhibitions, and public events.
The Roscongress Foundation was founded in 2007 with the aim of facilitating the development of Russia’s economic potential, promoting its national interests, and strengthening the country’s image. One of the roles of the Foundation is to comprehensively evaluate, analyse, and cover issues on the Russian and global economic agendas. It also offers administrative services, provides promotional support for business projects and attracting investment, and helps foster social entrepreneurship and charitable initiatives.
The Foundation’s events draw more than 80,000 participants each year from 206 countries, with more than 15,000 media representatives working on-site at Roscongress’ various venues. The FoundHackathon set to be main event of FINOdays youth programme 
From 7–11 October 2019, events for the FINOdays youth programme will be taking place as part of the Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies FINOPOLIS 2019. 
The main event of FINOdays will be the Hackathon, which will see the 17 pre-selected student teams go head to head to solve real business cases set by financial market leaders. Participants can expect tasks on the use of allocated inventories, text recognition, cash management, bank product management based on biometrics, recommendation systems, marketplaces, and much more. In the finale, the teams will defend their decisions before a panel made up of representatives from leading banks and financial organisations. The last three remaining finalists of the Hackathon will share a prize fund of one million roubles. 
As per tradition, participants in the young programme will get to meet the Governor of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina and will have the chance to ask questions on FinTech development trends, essential skills for employment in the financial sector and future technology in the financial sector. 
Among the events of the FINOdays youth programme will be master classes and workshops led by experts from the FinTech industry. The topics of the master classes will include a presentation of  technological product, contemporary personal ID infrastructure, the principles of Growth Hacking in FinTech, voice-activated digital assistants, and how to create an effective business plan. 
In addition, FINOdays participants will be able to attend events as part of the FINOPOLIS business and sporting programme, meet potential employers and find out about FinTech development trends. 
For the latest updates, you can join the official FINOdays group on VKontakte. 
FINOdays is organized by the Bank of Russia. 
QIWI is the official partner of the Hackathon.    
FINOPOLIS 2019 is operated by the Roscongress Foundation.
The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of international conventions, exhibitions, and public events.
The Roscongress Foundation was founded in 2007 with the aim of facilitating the development of Russia’s economic potential, promoting its national interests, and strengthening the country’s image. One of the roles of the Foundation is to comprehensively evaluate, analyse, and cover issues on the Russian and global economic agendas. It also offers administrative services, provides promotional support for business projects and attracting investment, and helps foster social entrepreneurship and charitable initiatives.
The Foundation’s events draw more than 80,000 participants each year from 206 countries, with more than 15,000 media representatives working on-site at Roscongress’ various venues. The Foundation benefits from analytical and professional expertise provided by more than 2,500 people working in Russia and abroad. In addition, it works in close cooperation with economic partners from 94 countries worldwide.
ation benefits from analytical and professional expertise provided by more than 2,500 people working in Russia and abroad. In addition, it works in close cooperation with economic partners from 94 countries worldwide.

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